Monday 5 November 2012

EMPIRE ESSAY: The Terminator [Clark Collis, Empire Magazine 2012].

2001 Terminator Review


James Cameron: Interviews

Page: Introduction; xiii
Discussion on technology that has ben used to create the terminator films and how he uses technology to enhance the viewing experience for the audience.

Tech Behind Avatar

The Crazy Tech Behind James Cameron’s Avatar
If you haven’t heard, James Cameron’s upcoming sci-fi epic, Avatar, is a movie that is being filmed in photo-realistic, “stereoscopic 3D,” which mixes live-action and CGI imagery in a seamless blend.
We here at Screen Rant felt it was high time we helped get heads wrapped around the future of movie technology that Cameron is ushering in with Avatar – just as he ushered in the era of CGI with Terminator 2. And, in the spirit of sharing, we’ve come up with a layman’s dossier to help make you sound like a tech-wiz when describing Avatar‘s innovative techniques around the water cooler. (You can thank us later.)

Avatar will reportedly be 60% CGI imagery, with a majority of the CG character animation filmed with revolutionary new motion-capture techniques using live actors. The other 40% of film will be live-action imagery, relying on more traditional (but no less spectacular) Cameron-brand visual F/X. The live action sequences were shot on location in New Zealand last Fall/Winter, using the same Fusion 3-D camera system that Cameron helped pioneer for his IMAX feature Ghost of the Abyss in 2003, and which has gone on to make live-action digital 3D fare like Journey to the Center of the Earth possible (much to our shared regret).
To bring his CG characters to life in the most realistic sense, Cameron has reportedly redefined the way motion capture (or “performance capture”) sequences are filmed. His actors wear special bodysuits and head rigs equipped with a standard definition camera that takes constant images of their faces. That data is then transmitted to another camera creating a real-time image of the live actor “wearing” their CGI costume.
“The way we developed the performance capture workflow on ‘Avatar’ is we have our virtual camera, which allows me to, in real time, hold a camera — it’s really a monitor — in my hands and point it at the actors and see them as their CG characters,” Cameron said… “It’s this amazing ability to quickly conjure scenes and images and great fantasyscapes that is very visual…When you are doing performance capture, creatively it’s very daunting. It’s very hard to imagine what it will look like. But if you can see it, if you can have a virtual image of what is it going to be like, then you are there.”
Pretty sick. Makes you wonder if George Lucas had this technology available while filming the Star Wars prequels would we have had to suffer the likes of Jar-Jar Binks? (Really, could any decent human being have given such an obnoxious performance?)
Another new motion capture technique being employed by Avatar is what Cameron and company call “Facial Performance Replacement” (FPR). Basically, FPR allows Cameron to digitally re-work an actor’s facial movements. Lines of dialogue that get changed after principal photography on a scene can still be seamlessly implemented into the finished scene, without the actors having to re-don their body suits and head rigs for another take.
Avatar movie poster
For Avatar, Cameron wants to further blur the line between live-action imagery and CGI imagery. To that end, he’s come up with something called “Simulcam”–a revolutionary new camera able to superimpose CGI images, over live images being filmed in real-time.
“We turned the set on the soundstage into a capture volume and turned the physical camera into a capture virtual camera, so we were able to integrate CG characters and environments into our live action.” [Cameron said...] “We have people in flying vehicles, and I can see what is outside the window, fed in, in real time.”
Wow, just imagine: movies where the interplay between what is real and what is digital is virtually indistinguishable; CGI environments that truly feel “alive,” rather than hollow, empty, green-screen stages with live actors running around trying in vain to act like they’re immersed in some fantastic world (*cough* Star Wars prequels *cough*).
In addition to inventing a few new filming techniques for Avatar, Cameron hopes the film will have additional impact on the movie business: getting more old films re-mastered and re-released in digital 3D. (Using Cameron-brand conversion technique$, no doubt.)
James Cameron wearing 3D glasses
“The real question is “Where does all this go?” Cameron said. “Are we looking at a situation maybe 10-15 years out where most laptops are sold with 3D stereoscopic screens, most monitors are stereo compatible, most DVD players can run stereo content? … I can see this becoming much more pervasive that we are thinking now.”
At this point, who knows which fork in the road technology will ultimately travel down. But I can’t lie: seeing movies in their full HD, 3D, digital glory from the comfort of my own couch does not upset me. Bring it on, Mr. Cameron, bring it on
Does this new tech make you just a tad more interested in Avatar? Or do you need to see that first trailer drop before the you’ll start getting as jittery and excited as me?
Avatar is slated for a December 18, 2009 release. It’s being directed by James Cameron (duh).
Source: Hollywood Reporter

This is important to my studies because it provides an explanation into the uses of technologies, as a first hand account with secondary analysis of the interview, on a forum, and it suggests the personal creation of the technology such as the Simulcam which is Cameron's own design.

Avatar Review - Avatards/New Cult Film
Alternative view at how good James Cameron's Avatar film is and how it will be thet new cult, tearing ahead of Twilight and other similar cults.

Monday 8 October 2012

Critical Essay of James Cameron

Page 6

This is about James Cameron's work and how he makes 'new cinema' by advancing the potential of the technologies that he uses.

This is important to my studies because it...

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Titanic 3D - Review on 3D conversion

Explains how Cameron makes softwares work for him, as does a other interview for Avatar in my catalogue, and also his past in making 3D films/what potentiall he had expected and his love for Titanic and its intimate scenes between Jack & Rose.

Technoscience in Contemporary Film
Page 151


Titanic: Blockbuster Anatomy

Discussion on how effective the use of special effects technology & its reality to the current man's want to dominate nature, and be king over it.

Page 220/21

Titanic 3D Review

It uses comments such as: "Cameron and his team have applied the 3D with intelligence, and often restraint. Scenes that benefit from an extra dimension get one, but in the film’s more intimate moments it’s almost entirely absent." Which contextualise the making of Titanic 3D and how it has needed to update some CGI as the 1997 CGI is not up to scratch. 

Titanic 3D Press Conference

This talks about the trials and errors of making Titanic into a 3D films, as they discuss the frame size expansion & layer technique he used sepearatly to Avatar as it was originally a 2D film, unlike Avatar. It also discusses re-animating the CGI effects to improve the immersive qualities of the film.

Terminator 2 Review

Avatar Review

Contrasting review of Avatar as it is slating James Cameron's work as it lacks in realism, yet tries to relate to contemporary themes of fighting terror with terror, and relating the Americanms invading Na'vis with Europenans invading America & it's indigenous tribes.

James Cameron talks 3D

"Problem solving is part of the fun" this video is an interview at comic con where he discusses how he has never wanted to give up on a film, no matter how hard it gets to make. He disagrees with using technology for economic gain, it should be used to make films more immersive, rather than using hardware like bluray to make more money, it should be used to increase the entertainment value.
It can be argued that as it does increase entertainment it increases its worth.