Monday 8 October 2012

Critical Essay of James Cameron

Page 6

This is about James Cameron's work and how he makes 'new cinema' by advancing the potential of the technologies that he uses.

This is important to my studies because it...

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Titanic 3D - Review on 3D conversion

Explains how Cameron makes softwares work for him, as does a other interview for Avatar in my catalogue, and also his past in making 3D films/what potentiall he had expected and his love for Titanic and its intimate scenes between Jack & Rose.

Technoscience in Contemporary Film
Page 151


Titanic: Blockbuster Anatomy

Discussion on how effective the use of special effects technology & its reality to the current man's want to dominate nature, and be king over it.

Page 220/21

Titanic 3D Review

It uses comments such as: "Cameron and his team have applied the 3D with intelligence, and often restraint. Scenes that benefit from an extra dimension get one, but in the film’s more intimate moments it’s almost entirely absent." Which contextualise the making of Titanic 3D and how it has needed to update some CGI as the 1997 CGI is not up to scratch. 

Titanic 3D Press Conference

This talks about the trials and errors of making Titanic into a 3D films, as they discuss the frame size expansion & layer technique he used sepearatly to Avatar as it was originally a 2D film, unlike Avatar. It also discusses re-animating the CGI effects to improve the immersive qualities of the film.

Terminator 2 Review

Avatar Review

Contrasting review of Avatar as it is slating James Cameron's work as it lacks in realism, yet tries to relate to contemporary themes of fighting terror with terror, and relating the Americanms invading Na'vis with Europenans invading America & it's indigenous tribes.

James Cameron talks 3D

"Problem solving is part of the fun" this video is an interview at comic con where he discusses how he has never wanted to give up on a film, no matter how hard it gets to make. He disagrees with using technology for economic gain, it should be used to make films more immersive, rather than using hardware like bluray to make more money, it should be used to increase the entertainment value.
It can be argued that as it does increase entertainment it increases its worth.